It is our goal to bring together our community to serve others and experience the joy it brings.
We pride ourselves in not just helping, but lifting up those who we serve and help us serve.
At the foundation of our charge is to share The Word of God and help others discover its power.
From raising funds to finding volunteers, our aim is to provide various forms of assistance.
Are you ready to
make a difference?
Helping Today.
Healing Tomorrow.
At The Foster Tree, we believe that we can all do something. There are many areas to serve, and we want to make you a part of the ministry. Why? Because at The Foster Tree, it is our goal to be both a strong support system and a highway for volunteers to get involved. Are you ready to get involved?
Equip, Encourage, Educate
At The Foster Tree, our mission is simple: We exist to provide love and support that empowers foster families and children with the tools and resources they need; built upon the foundation of the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Support Built On Faith
When we established The Foster Tree, our vision was clear. We want to change the lives of children and families in the foster care community, inspiring others to join our mission and be a part of making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children and families.
Use Your Voice & Serve
The values we align with are found in Proverbs 31; 8-9 that says “Speak up for those who can not speak for themselves; speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
We're Ready To Help You
We know that becoming a new foster parent is an exciting adventure, but comes with new responsibilities and challenges. That’s why The Foster Tree is ready to help foster families with resources and support. If you need assistance in navigating the new foster care landscape, connect with us and let our team of volunteers get you and your family the care it needs.
Here's Why We Need You
We need help educating others about foster care
We can all do something and have a part to play in caring for vulnerable children. Not everyone is called to foster parent but we are all called to foster care. At The Foster Tree we want to be that support system as well as a highway for volunteers to get involved.
We need local resources and a community of support
In order for us to help families during those first critical moments of foster care placement, we need local resources and a community of support. This includes tangible as well as monetary donations.
We need help alleviating caregiver's stress
It's not an easy job, but it's one that is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually rewarding. That's why with your help, you can reduce the pressures caregivers experience. Through this, we all set an example of what it means to be an organization that wants to make a difference.
We want to help change the lives of children
Our work goes beyond just equipping families. It allows us an avenue to encourage and change lives, one family at a time.
Hear What Families
Say About Us
With the support of our volunteers, The Foster Tree is blessed to be a part of these stories.
“The Foster Tree provided us with items we needed for our emergency placement of 4 siblings. We are truly thankful for the help we received.”
Julie Dickson
FOSTER PARENT“As a newly licensed foster family The Foster Tree not only provided us with a carseat, stroller and care package but local resources for clinics and therapists.”
The Carter Family
FOSTER PARENTS“The Foster Tree provided new backpacks and school supplies for several of my children in the welfare system.”
Melodee Garcia
CASA VOLUNTEER“The Foster Tree assisted us in finding therapy resources for our adopted special needs daughter.”
Macy Harris
ADOPTIVE PARENT“Thank you so much for offering this service. The children loved the new clothes and bible book”
The Coronado Family
FOSTER PARENT“We were blown away by the items we received. Everything was packaged so nicely, we felt the love that went into assembling our package.”
Noel Williams
FOSTER PARENT"These guys are the real deal. After packing everything into our car they prayed with us before we departed! "