1. It can be inexpensive
Most people think adoption is expensive. But adopting from foster care typically costs much less than other types of adoption. Foster-to-adopt services are contracted through the state, so most traditional adoption costs are eliminated. The adoptive family primarily pays for the costs of the paperwork and attorney.
2. The average age is 8
When people generally think of adoption, they imagine adopting a newborn. When you adopt from foster care, the children range in age from toddlers to teenagers. The average age of children in foster care is 8.4 years old.

3. There is no “typical” case
There are many misconceptions about children in foster care. But the truth is that children in foster care are just children in need of a loving, stable home. Some have brothers and sisters who desperately want to stay together. Some have special needs. Some have experienced more trauma than others. Every case is different. Each child has his or her own individual circumstances.